More pixels! This is a major trend in the display industry. While one can argue about the benefit of 8k or even higher resolution TVs, more (i.e. smaller) pixels with higher fill factors are desired for near-eye applications such as AR and VR goggles. With displays so close to the observer’s eye, screen-door effects and pixel non-uniformities are easily visible and disturbing for the consumer. Micro-LEDs are believed to be an enabling technology for very high resolutions with pixel sizes smaller than 10 µm and equally small pixel pitches. Micro-LEDs, just like OLEDs, are emissive display technologies, i.e. each single subpixel is a light source by itself. Luminance and color variations between the pixels are likely and strongly influence the visual quality of the display. This means quality control and subsequent calibration of the displays is crucial, not only in the laboratory, but especially in production lines. Typically, imaging light measurement devices (ILMDs) are employed for this purpose. Higher resolution on the display side necessitates higher resolutions on the ILMD side, especially for display testing in production lines where tact times have to be extremely short. Current testing solutions either employ the coupling of several cameras with lower resolutions and subsequent image stitching or make use of mechanical positioning stages to take several images of only a part of the DUT at a time.
SSL China 2019
Tuesday November 26, 2019 11:40am
Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (5th Floor Peony Hall), China