Thanks to the light-shielding camera housing, the system is suitable for use both in the lab and in production applications.
The measuring system is constructed in such a way that the radiation source (DUT) irradiates a light-permeable, diffusely scattering screen, where its typical spatial radiation properties are visible. On the other side of the screen the infrared camera VTC 2400 captures this two-dimensional image and converts by calibration the irradiance [W/m2] into the radiant intensity distribution [W/sr] of the DUTs.
The mapping of the radiation source via an additional screen and subsequent 2D imaging by the camera make the measuring system considerably more flexible. Basic measurement parameters, e.g. distance to the DUT, angular field of view or angle resolution can be optimally adjusted to one’s own application. The measurement distance is almost freely selectable for a given viewing angle, so that minimum angular resolutions can be achieved and the DUT in the far-field (measurement distance >> DUT size) can be measured with maximum precision. This permits precise reconstruction of the radiant intensity distribution and identification of the maximum intensity (hot-spot) by the software as required, e.g. for laser safety evaluation.
This unique measurement concept guarantees a minimum error budget and results in extremely high measurement accuracy. This enables manufacturers to exploit the full performance potential of VCSELs/lasers while guaranteeing reliable operation.
The VTC 2400 was developed specifically for the far-field analysis of IR emitters and offers the optimum measurement solution for both the lab and production environment.
It is particularly recommended for the analysis of VCSEL applications, including 3D sensing in smartphones (e.g. facial and object recognition) and in the automotive industry (e.g. LiDAR systems, time-of-flight).