借助组合照度计,一个测试过程即可测定光度参数和光谱分布。高端 CAS 140D 光谱仪和特殊设计的高速光度计 PMT 3 通过光纤连接到光学显微镜。此设置可代表人类观察者,确保任何显示屏技术均实现快速准确的读数。
Each DMS system can be equipped with a suitable HCS temperature control chamber for examining the temperature dependence of electrooptical properties of displays.
The test object (DUT) is exposed to a precisely controlled airstream that maintains a stable temperature at any desired level between -40°C and +105°C. All measuring instruments and mechanical components in the system remain at room temperature, leading to extremely reliable measurement results.
The temperature control chamber is available in different versions and with numerous accessories for DUT mounting and positioning with and without internal motorization.
The new extra-large HCS-7 temperature control chamber was developed specially for the new DMS 904 goniometer system and optimized for automotive applications in the measurement of extremely large and curved displays. It permits movement of the measuring instruments during the tempering process in a lateral direction (X and Z). Optimized interaction of temperature control, air flow and material properties enables high-precision angle-dependent scans along extremely long, curved displays.
环境光对显示屏性能的影响日益重要。除各种光源外,还可以将五种不同的照明设备可连接到 DMS 系统,反映显示屏的所有相关环境条件:
SCAN 300 电动定位装置适用于系统 DMS 803、DMS 505 和 DMS 201。它将现有水平行程范围扩展到 300 x 300 mm。因此,可完全覆盖 16 英寸显示屏。通过这种扩展,手动 DMS 201 系统可通过 DMS 软件进行电动定位和自动扫描。
每个 DMS 系统都包含一个有效接口作为 DUT 控制单元。根据显示屏的光电操作状态测量光学参数或进行自动显示屏测试时,需要此控制单元。
具有各种安装件和接口的组件、测量仪器或测试对象可通过该接口进行连接和控制。它与模拟信号、RJ45 以太网、RS232、USB、230 V 电源和 SUBMIN D9 连接器兼容。针对 LCD 和显示屏模块,也可以实现 HDMI 或 DVI 等标准信号。