Flicker measurement
The flicker measurement shows fluctuations in luminance as a function of time, FFT luminance and VESA /JEITA flicker level as a function of wavelength (photometer measurement).
SWC series view
SWC series view (switching characteristics) shows intensity as a function of time for fast photometer measurements of different grayscale combinations.
Angle-dependent view
The angle-dependent view shows luminance and color as function of the viewing direction in a polar coordinate system. DUT measurements in black (left) and white (center) state are automatically transformed to a contrast ratio (right).
SDR view
The SDR view shows the spectral reflection SPINC/SPEX, color shifts, emitted and reflected radiance, CIE color and ambient contrast as a function of illuminance and standard illuminant. The ambient contrast is calculated in accordance with IEC 62341-6-2.
The user interface offers control for a wide range of hardware from Instrument Systems, e.g.
System requirements: