Calibration LEDs Stable audit light sources of the ACS series

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LED-based standards with high stability for the verification of your measurement systems

Regular testing of your measuring instruments with calibration standards is the basis for all quality assessments in light measurement technology!

As market leader in LED measurement technology, Instrument Systems offers standards on an LED basis for a wide range of applications:

Calibration standards Series ACS 570

Designed for photometric quantities luminous intensity, averaged LED intensity (ILED-B) and luminous flux. For applications in the UV and IR range specified for the radiometric quantities irradiance and radiant power.   

Calibration standards Series ACS 586/587 and ACS 150

Suitable for measuring luminance. Due to the specified two-dimensional uniformity, model ACS 150 offers the option of verifying the sensor calibration of imaging colorimeters.

Calibration standards Series ACS 590

Developed for examining the luminous intensity of optical probes. IR models are suitable for testing irradiation intensity with various peak wavelengths in the IR range.

All photometric calibration LEDs can additionally be used to check the color coordinates x and y.

Simple and reliable verification of measurement equipment from Instrument Systems is possible with the ACS series of standards. Furthermore, the absolute photometric value of the standard can be used to correct or recalibrate the absolute calibration of a measuring instrument as needed.

ACS Product details:

  • Temperature-stabilized, cooled high-power LED
  • High photometric and radiometric stability
  • Reference values traceable to national standards with an indication of measurement uncertainty
  • Highest operational safety when used with control unit PSU 10
  • All-in-one solution with power source, temperature stabilization and software

Audits – the basis for all quality evaluations in light measurement applications

Only regular checks of a measuring system for conformity with its specifications will ensure the proper functioning and quality of the measuring system and the comparability of readings in the long term. For this purpose, the audit portfolio from Instrument Systems offers a large selection of application-specific solutions.

Calibration LEDs – Technical Data


ACS 150

ACS 570

ACS 586/587

ACS 590

Photometric quantity (incl. color coordinates)


Luminous flux / intensity



Radiometric quantity


Radiant power / intensity



Lateral uniformity






Cold white

Cold white/ R / G / B / IR / UV

Cold white

Cold white / IR

Dimensions [mm³]





The detailed measurement conditions under which the specified values have been determined can be looked up in the data sheets and brochures or requested from Instrument Systems.

Further information can be obtained from the respective data sheets. For in-depth questions please consult our specialists!

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The forecast for future market trends, called for a doubling of the size of the market in the next five years, in particular in the UV-C range. This forecast growth should increase even more than predicted due to recent stricter disinfection regulations in the pandemic situation.  Instrument Systems has developed three calibration standards in the ACS series for the three UV ranges A/B/C. The ACS 570-24 covers the UV-C range. The typical radiant flux lies here between 40-60 mW, the peak wavelength at 280 nm.